Remplir les champs disponibles le plus complet que possible et nous faxerons votre soumission. (* champs requis) Compagnie: Distributeur: Demandé par:* Adresse: Ville États/Prov: CP/Zip Téléhone: Fax:* Courriel:* Cutter Material CarbideHigh Speed SteelM42Other Cutter Material: Style of Special Carbide End Mill (Listed Below) ABCDEF Number of Flutes 2 Flute3 Flute4 FluteOther > Spiral Right-HandLeft-Hand Helix Angle Standard HelixOther> End Cutting Center-CuttingNon Center- Cutting Corner Condition Square-EndRadius > Ball-EndChamfer > Tool Coating UncoatedTiNTiCNTiAINAlTiNAlCrNDiamond (CVD) Quantity Requested Application Describe the application, including the material to be cut, equipment, speed & feed information D1 - Flute Diameter Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance D2 - Shank Diamete Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance D3 - Neck Diameter (non-cutting) Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance L1 -Overall Length Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance L2 - Length-Of-Cut Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance L3 - Reach Length Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance R - Radius / Ball Dimension Dimension (Inch/MM) Tolerance